Opportunities for IVD and Vaccine Manufacturers in the US Vector-Borne Disease Strategy

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently unveiled a comprehensive strategy aimed at tackling the menace of vector-borne diseases, including but not limited to the Zika virus. With a bold objective of minimizing the disease burden to zero, this plan presents a significant opportunity for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) and vaccine manufacturers to contribute to public health initiatives while also tapping into a burgeoning market.

Opportunities for IVD and Vaccine Manufacturers in the US Vector-Borne Disease Strategy

The Scope of the Plan

The plan outlined by the HHS is ambitious, encompassing various facets of prevention, detection, and control of vector-borne diseases. It emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts between federal agencies, state and local governments, as well as international partners to effectively combat these diseases. Furthermore, the strategy prioritizes research and innovation, aiming to develop advanced diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments.

Opportunities for IVD Manufacturers

In the field of in vitro diagnostics, there exists a considerable opportunity to develop and deploy cutting-edge tools for the rapid and accurate detection of vector-borne pathogens. With early and precise diagnosis being critical in controlling outbreaks and guiding treatment strategies, IVD manufacturers can play a pivotal role in enhancing disease surveillance and response capabilities. From point-of-care tests to laboratory-based assays, the demand for diagnostic solutions tailored to various settings is expected to surge, presenting a lucrative market for innovative companies.

Advancements in Vaccine Development

Vaccine development stands as a cornerstone in the fight against vector-borne diseases. The HHS plan underscores the need for novel vaccine candidates targeting pathogens like the Zika virus, Lyme disease, and West Nile virus. This presents a significant opportunity for vaccine manufacturers to invest in research and development initiatives aimed at creating safe and efficacious vaccines. Furthermore, advancements in vaccine technology, such as mRNA vaccines, offer promising avenues for the rapid development and deployment of vaccines against emerging vector-borne threats.

Collaboration and Funding

The success of the HHS strategy hinges upon collaboration across sectors and adequate funding to support research, development, and implementation efforts. Public-private partnerships are poised to play a crucial role in driving innovation and ensuring the accessibility and affordability of diagnostic tools and vaccines. Government funding initiatives, grants, and incentives can further incentivize industry players to invest in vector-borne disease solutions, thereby accelerating progress towards the overarching goal of disease elimination.


The unveiling of the HHS plan to combat vector-borne diseases signals a concerted effort to address a significant public health challenge. For IVD and vaccine manufacturers, this presents a unique opportunity to contribute to disease control efforts while also tapping into a growing market driven by the increasing global burden of vector-borne illnesses. By leveraging innovation, collaboration, and strategic investment, stakeholders can work towards achieving the ambitious goal of reducing the impact of these diseases to zero, ultimately safeguarding public health and well-being.