Does lysol kill scabies? Answer by

Understanding Scabies and Lysol: Exploring Treatment Options

Scabies is a contagious skin infestation caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. It spreads through close contact with an infected person or sharing contaminated items. The intense itching and rash associated with scabies can be distressing, prompting individuals to seek effective treatment options. In this article, we'll explore the effectiveness of Lysol in killing scabies, explore recommended medications, shed light on what Lysol is, examine relevant studies and research, and address frequently asked questions about scabies treatment.

What is Scabies?

Scabies is a parasitic infestation characterized by intense itching, especially at night, and a pimple-like rash. The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin, laying eggs and causing an allergic reaction that leads to itching and irritation. Common sites for infestation include the hands, wrists, elbows, armpits, waist, genital area, and between the fingers.

Does lysol kill scabies?

Recommended Medications for Scabies

Doctors typically prescribe topical treatments containing permethrin or oral medications like ivermectin to treat scabies. Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that kills scabies mites and their eggs. It is applied to the entire body from the neck down and washed off after a specified time. Ivermectin, on the other hand, is an oral medication that effectively treats scabies by killing the mites.

What is Lysol?

Lysol is a brand of disinfectant products commonly used for cleaning and sanitizing various surfaces. It contains active ingredients such as ethanol or isopropanol, which have antimicrobial properties. While Lysol is effective against many bacteria and viruses, its efficacy against scabies mites has not been extensively studied or documented.

Studies and Research

Limited scientific research exists on the direct effectiveness of Lysol in killing scabies mites. However, some studies suggest that certain disinfectants containing alcohol or other active ingredients may have some efficacy against Sarcoptes scabiei. Nevertheless, these findings do not specifically endorse Lysol as a primary treatment for scabies.

FAQs About Scabies Treatment

Does Lysol kill scabies mites?

While Lysol contains disinfectant properties, there is insufficient evidence to confirm its effectiveness in killing scabies mites. It is not a recommended treatment for scabies infestations.

Can I use Lysol to disinfect my home if someone has scabies?

While maintaining cleanliness is important, Lysol alone may not eliminate scabies mites from the environment. Washing bedding, clothing, and other personal items in hot water and vacuuming furniture and carpets are recommended measures to reduce the spread of scabies.

What should I do if I suspect I have scabies?

If you suspect you have scabies, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment. Avoid self-diagnosis and self-treatment, as scabies requires specific medications prescribed by a doctor.

How long does it take to get rid of scabies?

With proper treatment, scabies infestations can be effectively eradicated within a few weeks. It is crucial to follow the prescribed treatment regimen and continue any recommended post-treatment measures to prevent reinfestation.


While maintaining cleanliness and disinfecting the environment are important components of managing scabies infestations, Lysol alone is not a proven treatment for killing scabies mites. Consulting a healthcare professional and following their prescribed treatment regimen is crucial for effectively treating scabies and preventing its spread. Proper hygiene practices, combined with medical intervention, are key to managing scabies infestations and achieving relief from symptoms.